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[Super Easy]How to Setup React on Windows

Hello everyone.

I posted an article about how to build a Web development environment on Windows. I've planned to introduce "What is Docker?" through "How to install Ruby on Rails". However, I found that it is really super easy how to install React.js which is recent trend so I decided to write about that in advance.

Before that, let me introduce another text editor which I recommend more than Sublime Text 3. It is "Visual Studio Code" which is released by Microsoft. I know that most of people who is in web development field already know or use it but I realized it is most useful editor ever. It is free, fast, has plenty of plugins and looks cool. I've taken over from Sublime Text to VSC and currently using it!! You can download and install it from official web page below check it out!

I recently often watch videos regarding node.js, React.js and/or Vue.js. Most of instructors use VSC. Plugins for each frameworks or library is so wealthy so that I strongly recommend to use it. There is some plugins for Windows Power Shell and it is plus for me by the way.

Okay, let's talk about how to build React.js environment on Windows. It is just two steps which is super easy.

1. Install node.js

2. Install React.js

That's it. Anyway, let's take a look.

First of all, install latest LTS version of node.js.

Download the installer from official site below.

After download, just execute installer. Click "Next" with default settings on wizard.

Once install has finished, execute following commands on command prompt to clarify if install has succeed. You can see version number if install has completed.

node -v

npm -v

Next, let's install React.js. Create work directory in advance and move to there by cd command. And the start to install it. So what you should do is following two commands.

cd <Work Directory>

npx create-react-app <Application Name>

"Happy Hacking!" will be appeared if install has successfully finished.

Install of React.js has completed! Finally make sure if default app is working with commands below.

cd <Application Name> npm start

Your browser will be opened and it shows default app.

And then open the directory you just installed react. Here is an example in my case on VSC.

Congratulation!! You are now developer of React!! Super easy right?

To develop more fast, let's add two tips.

"React Developer Tool" on your Google Chrome.

"React Extension Pack" on your VSC

Even if environment has built, it is meaningless if I could not write react.

That's why I'm creating my portfolio site with React.

I am going to introduce it once it has done!!

Thank you for your reading today!! Have a wonderful day!

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